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  • LifeLine PHR Series - BaseLine, Intake Form and LogBook

    LifeLine PHR Series - BaseLine, Intake Form and Digital LogBookCS4 designs, develops, markets, distributes and supports a range of internet-based, clinical-quality personal health and medical information systems (computer software) used by individual patients to manage and improve their health outcomes.

    All CS4 products and services are essentially patient-centric as well as being:

    • Owned and controlled by the patient;
    • Managed by the patient or their caregiver;
    • complimentary and supplementary to the public or private health systems, and
    • Accessible and shareable, by explicit permission of the patient, with their doctors, care teams, families, representatives, etc.
  • Collaborative Solutions for Active Living is our mission.

    CS4 is a supportive, for-profit, member-oriented service organization offering individuals security and control of personal information in support of their health and well-being. CS4 achieves its goal by suppling the tools to each User:

    1. To maintain a copy of all health, wellness and other confidential information about themselves ,
    2. To understand what the information means, and
    3. To using this understanding to make collaborative decisions with their family and care team.

    The CS4 User owns all the confidential and health data secured in a segregated location within WhoKnozMe object-relational database. CS4 has no access or interest in User data. CS4 protects and manages the registries of individuals and companies and their related contact information only for the use of other Users.

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